There’s nothing like a good documentary. Probably in your lifetime you’ll come across a handful that are truly memorable and worth sharing. I hope you will find ‘Why Beauty Matters’ as rewarding (and thought provoking) as our team did.
Artistic elements whether you consider it or not permeates each aspect of a business and sends potential buyers a strong message about who you are and what your brand stands for.
Whether you’re a small business or a well-known brand; everything from colour and font choice, photography, website design, company literature, video content, it all unconsciously bespeaks of one’s aesthetic values or lack there of.
Although this documentary (produced by the BBC) isn’t of high production value the writing and content is solid. For those using arts in business this film may prompt you to ask could beauty lift my brand?
Excerpt from the films synopsis:
Why beauty matters is a provocative essay by English Philosopher Roger Scruton into the importance of beauty in the arts and in our lives.
In the 20th century, Scruton argues, art, architecture and music turned their backs on beauty, making a cult of ugliness and leading us into a spiritual desert.
Using the thoughts of philosophers from Plato to Kant, and by talking to artists Michael Craig-Martin and Alexander Stoddart, Scruton analyses where art went wrong and presents his own impassioned case for restoring beauty to its traditional position at the center of our civilization.
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Shakespeare Media is a video production company based in Sydney, Australia producing creative videos and films for brands, businesses and platforms.