73 Questions Video Series
I’m absolutely loving Vogues latest video series “73 Questions”, the episode with Victoria Beckham is my favorite! She’s such a darling isn’t she? I just think these videos are fun, quirky and entertaining! A soft sell approach paired with our celebrity obsession, that's not going away anytime soon, it’s really a great way for fan’s to get to know their favorite celebs better. This type of video production content is perfect for social media including Facebook and is sure to get plenty of likes and shares! Regarding the quality, the production value is pretty low, an amateur could shoot these videos, they aren’t following any conventions and to be honest I like Vogues more polished look, which you can find a lot of on their site and on YouTube, so no complaints here. Then again we are seeing a lot of these fly on the wall, roughly shot videos with the big labels these days and I think it makes people feel that there’s actually humans behind these brands! But seriously Vogues on going video campaigns really do the magazine a lot of good. So thumbs up Vogue keep it up!
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