As an artist, inspiration is sometimes hard to come by, especially when you’re busy with the day-to-day operations of running a production company. It’s even harder to come by for someone who isn’t an artist. Say it does come to visit you, before you know it, it’s gone again. So seize it, squeeze it, freeze it and own it.
A fussy artist will wait for the perfect light, the perfect location, the perfect script and the perfect actor to tell a 'perfect' story. But does this reflect life’s reality? And does the perfect story even exist?
In the past I was one of those artists, just waiting for the perfect set of circumstances…then it started raining, the script needed multiple re-writes, and the actor turned camera shy. But what if I die tomorrow? What would I have left to posterity if I always wait?
Art and film making is tough business. Each day you’re building something from the ground up, an original product that hasn’t been made before; there’s no blue print. I’ve been filming at my home lately, I thought the light was terrible inside, but I've started to embrace its imperfection because life is not perfect and neither is film-making! The more you can adapt to how objects naturally appear and can appreciate their imperfections, the easier film-making becomes.
I made a short film and sent it to my sister (also a film-maker) last week and she said it was the best video she had ever seen using the word “epic” to describe it. I wonder if the reason she liked it was because I wholeheartedly embraced the imperfections present in my world and gave them to her as a gift?
Creativity and original ideas flourish when you harmonise with life’s imperfections, as nothing and no one, including any art in this world, can be perfect.
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