Get Qualified Australia is the country's leading Skills Recognition & Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Specialist, providing advanced recognition services to the nation’s skilled workforce.
Get Qualified and Shakespeare Media teamed up to create a 1-minute television commercial (TVC) here in Sydney.
In collaboration with the folks at RMK (our favourite talent management company) we hired voice artist and actor Simon Harvey to deliver the script.
With 3 weeks of planning and writing, the final video production was filmed in 1-day at Key Studios in North Sydney. Simon delivered effortlessly along with the team making the project a complete success. Get Qualified are using the final TVC for telly and social media.
Final script and video:
Presenter VO: Want to achieve your MBA at half the cost, half the time and half the effort?
Then now is the time to check out Get Qualified Australia’s Accelerated MBA pathway, in partnership with the Australian Institute of Management.
By having your work experience recognised, you can achieve your Graduate Diploma with Get Qualified Australia in a matter of weeks, exempting you from half of your MBA units with the prestigious AIM Business School. This means that you’re left with only 6 units to complete at your own time and at your own pace.
Accelerate your MBA today with two postgraduate qualifications achieved in less than 12 months.
Find out if you’re eligible now.
Call one double three, double seven five or visit today.
Talking through the details before the camera rolls. Photo: Shakespeare Media
Behind the scenes in the studio. Photo: Shakespeare Media
Group shot after the shoot, smile! Photo: Shakespeare Media